(simplified form of U+4947 䥇) sarmarium (Sm); old ideograph for U+92F1 鋱, terbium (Tb); (same as U+91E4 釤) a sickle with a long handle, to swing a sickle to cut (grass or wheat)
汉字: 䦂
拼音: [shàn]
注音: ㄕㄢˋ
部首: [钅] 金字旁
笔画: 15 部外:10
异体字: 䥇
字形结构: 左右结构
统一编码: 扩展A U+4982
其它编码: 五笔:qynn 仓颉:ophsm 郑码:pwyy 四角:83727
笔顺编码: 311154513541541
笔顺笔画: ノ一一一フ丶フ一ノフ丶一フ丶一