(same as 踑) to sit with the legs spread out; to squat with the legs crossed, traces; footsteps, to follow up; to search out
汉字: 䟚
拼音: [qí]
注音: ㄑㄧˊ
部首: [足] 足字旁
笔画: 11 部外:4
异体字: 踑
字形结构: 左右结构
统一编码: 扩展A U+47DA
其它编码: 五笔:khfj 仓颉:rmmml 郑码:jibn 四角:61121
笔顺编码: 25121211132
笔顺笔画: 丨フ一丨一丨一一一ノ丨
䟚【酉集中】【足部】 康熙筆画:11画,部外筆画:4画