(same as 捎) to beat; to strike; to attack, to be in full possession of; to grasp, to make selective collection or coverage of
汉字: 㪢
拼音: [shǎo]
注音: ㄕㄠˇ
部首: [攴] 敲字旁
笔画: 13 部外:9
异体字: ?
字形结构: 左右结构
统一编码: 扩展A U+3AA2
其它编码: 五笔:vhcc|ehcc 仓颉:heye 郑码:nbix 四角:71447
笔顺编码: 3215112542154
笔顺笔画: ノ丨一フ一一丨フ丶丨一フ丶
㪢【卯集下】【攴部】 康熙筆画:14画,部外筆画:10画